Thursday, May 2, 2013

School Board Speech

May, 6, 2013

Aquaponics is an alternative way to grow plants that is local and sustainable. Plants are proven to grow 4 times faster than in regular soil. Fish in the system produce ammonia that feeds the nitrosomonas. The nitrosomonas goes to nitrite. The nitrite feeds the nitrobacter which create the nitrate, and the nitrate feeds the plants. The water put in the Aquaponics system is rain water caught from the roof. We add about 5 gallons of water into the system every week. We are also reducing the food we don’t finish during lunchtime from going to waste. The cafeteria waste is given to the worms and black soldier fly larvae who decompose it and then get fed to the fish. We also test the pH. Systems Thinking is a huge part in keeping the Aquaponics system running. The Aquaponics system is a very good example of interdependence because if one thing fails the entire system fails. One of the systems tools we use is a connection circle.

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